Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finally starting to figure it out

This morning, all of the eggs were in the nest box!  A paltry total of two, but still, they were both in the nest boxes.  So at least my few chickens who are laying have begun to figure out that the nest boxes are for laying.  Now I just need the rest of the flock to get on board, so that we can start getting some real egg collections.  I know that Taperman is very anxious for his first dozen, and at this rate, it takes us over a week to accumulate 12 (of course, we eat them before that can happen, so poor Taperman remains eggless).

I have a new chicken best friend.  The aracauna in the picture below has become very attached to me during the last week.  When I go into the coop to collect eggs, she is usually the sole chicken to run in and say hello to me.  She trots right up to me, and is happy to let me pick her up.  She's also fascinated by my boots, and loves to stare at them.  She'd really like me to let her peck my wedding rings, like Taperman used to let them, but I'm a little wary of stray beaks so my rings are off limits.  Although she looks like Alice, Alice's comb is bigger than hers, so this is definitely a newly bold chicken.  Perhaps she needs a name, too?  I'm open to suggestions.

My new buddy

Girls greeting me this morning - they definitely associate me with yummy food treats (today it was squash seeds and strings)
Pam has been establishing herself as the sole functioning barncat in residence during this past week.  Every day, I see her out either on the rock wall near the garden (a fantastic chipmunk spot), or nestled in the tall grass next to the barn.  Yesterday she stared Bullet down when he tried to check her out, but this morning she made the mistake of running, so the dogs chased her all the way to the barn.  I threw them inside, which was confusing to them, and Pam made it safely into the barn.  The below picture of her (taken before the chase, of course), is kind of like a where's waldo.  Pam blends in very well, but if you look carefully, you can see her.  She's really a very pretty cat.

We still haven't taken care of the rotting giant pumpkin, and it's getting very ugly out there.  Lily has decided to take matters into her own hands and she sneaks off to munch on it whenever I'm not looking.  (It's probably a good idea to permanently avoid kisses from Lily.)  So gross.  I'd say today is definitely the day, but it's pouring and Mike will be home late, so tomorrow is probably the earliest that we'll Mike will take care of it.

And now, look at how sweet and angelic she looks when she's sleeping.  Remember, this is the same dog who eats rotten pumpkins, compost, and chases barncats.  She also tore out most of the stuffing from her fox toy before this adorable spooning took place.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see why you haven't named all your chickens 'Baby Powder' like I did when I was approximately 7. I thought it was a good enough name to apply to multiple Rhode Island Reds...
