Thursday, April 21, 2011


The first seed to germinate was a zinnia, on day 3. By the end of the day, there were a few zinnias poking up, and a few marigolds as well.

Day 4 was particularly exciting - below is a shot of the flower container in the morning. On the right are the zinnias, and marigolds are in the middle. The tomatoes also started to come up on Day 4, with the garden peach tomatoes taking an early lead over the heirloom mix.

Then, on Day 5 the vegetables began to take off. Below you can see both the heirloom and garden peach tomatoes. This week I've been rushing into the office as soon as I get up, and as soon as I get home, to see the progress of the seedlings - they're making huge leaps every day! The eggplants aren't in the photo, but we also had one little guy come up on Day 5. Only the peppers haven't germinated yet, but according to my garden bible, they'll take 7-10 days.

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